Added: August 11, 2018 | Category: Submission Welcome to Tag Team Tuesday. This is roughly 1 of the February match-up involving The Ninjas and Team Ice. This is the fresh start of the 2010 Tag Team League.Vendetta and Tara Lynn Fox take on Ariel X and Mellanie Monroe for the start of the 2010 Tag Team league. Two specialists team up with just 2 rookies.This game was captured live before an audience, and these four women give 100% in the only non-scripted TAG TEAM FEMALE WRESTLING LEAGUE around the web. The greatest in catfighting.Round 1 carries off like a rocket, both teams going back and forth trying to take the lead going into round 2. Tara Lynn Fox creates a heroic effort close to the end of the round to find a tag, and that tag ends up being the difference in the round since the Ninjas take a small lead going into the second round.Great headlocks and mind scissors holdstwo on one action and tons of finger fucking. Round 1 has everything you expect from Ultimate Surrender! Join right now and see the beginning of this exciting new game – the 2010 Tag Team Season will be here! |