Added: August 22, 2018 | Category: Penetration Guess who? It’s Wiska, your young and sexy blonde Ukrainian, back to do that which you know I love to do. Strangely enough that I hooked up with this temp job agency which specializes in out of the normal jobs. Lately I sent me into a casting agency, to be an assistant. When I got there the boss explained to me what my occupation would Intel. That’s when I realized this wasn’t just any casting agency. Allow me to tell youthis job has been right up my alley! No pun intended. Allow me to put it this way………I had been sitting on the couch reviewing the casting photographs,both men came in. I had to record the size of these units cocks for your agencies data base. After acquiring my necessary information… Well allow ’s only say I ran my own personal survey. I took a hold of the initial models cock and slid it in my mouth. I started sucking him off, bringing him into a full erection. I then gradually slid his cock across my tongue yanking him out of my mouth and did exactly the same to another guy, slurping and slobbering around both their cocks from top to bottom. I put down on my side and then wrapped my lips tightly around Charlie’s thick prick and started bobbing my head up and down. Rudy had begun licking kissing my pussy all over, tonguing and sucking my clit. He slid his fingers in my cunt and began moving then in and out, he was creating my horny grab all moist. I open up wide and bobbed my head, deep throating Charlie’s cock, I sucked up and down the whole length of the hard shaft, getting straight horrible with it. They take off my top, Charlie began licking my asshole and fingering my pussy before gradually stuffing his long hard cock in my tight twat and slipping it out. I slid Rudy’s cock inside my mouth, I started sucking and slobbering all over it, making it sleek and nice while Charlie continued to ram his cock deep into my cunt with every stroke. He slipped his hard glistening cock out of my moist pussy and that I stuffed it into my mouth, sucking both their hot cocks at once. I laid back down and Charlie slid his penis back into my puss and started fucking me hard and fast. I hoovered Rudy’so thick cock into my mouth and began sucking as hard as I could, trying to suck the meat off the bone. Charlie reeled long moist cock from my succulent twat and Rudy slipped his in appropriate in place, he began tagging my twat good, extended stroken, hard and quick. Mean while I had stuffed Charlie’s cock back into my mouth and has been doing my famous cock swallowing act,. I then sucked up and down his thick slobbery penis since Rudy kept slipping his throbbing in and out of my cunt hard and deep. Charlie laid down and that I immediately got along with my ass facing him, he stuffed his cock into my wet snatch and began fucking me even harder than previously. Rudy shoved his big cock in my mouth and began fucking my face, sliding his cock in and out from the mouth and over again. Charlie slipped his cock from my pussy and stuffed it into my tight little ass. He slipped his cock out of my ass again and again, expanding my asshole with every stroke. Charlie slowly pulled his thick cock out of my ass leaving my ass gaped wide open, and then he stuffed his cock up in my ass picking up where he left off, then customizing my asshole to be a flawless fit. Once again Charlie slowly pulled his thick cock out of my ass leaving it gaped wide open, so I could feel the air rush up my ass when he pulled out, it felt so good. I got on all fours and Rudy mounted up from the rear, shoving his hard thick cock deep inside my ass. I caught Charlie’so long cock and then stuffed it back in my mouth and started sucking him off tough and powerful, then I slid his cock from my mouth and licked his ball since Rudy kept pounding his cock deep in my ass. Rudy pulled his thick cock from ass, Charlie laid right down and I got together with my ass facing him. He stuffed his thick cock up in my bum and Rudy slid his throbbing cock into my pussy. They began slipping their cocks in and out of the ass and twat with long difficult stokesthey were both hitting parts unknown. Rudy slid his slick cock out of my pussy and filled it up in my ass along with Charlie’s. Collectively they gave my butt the fucking of a life time, my bum has never felt better. Rudy pulled his cock out of my ass and slid it back into my pussy, he started pumping his cock fast and hard while Charlie was still having his way with his buttocks, sliding his thick cock in and out of my ass just like nobodies business. Rudy slid his throbbing slick cock out of my moist pussy and Charlie pulled his cock from my ass, I wrapped my lips around their cocks, sucking them off until they shot their creamy loads of jizz all over my pretty young face. I slid his freshly cummed cocks back in my mouth and sucked for any survivors I then swallowed their cum just so I could do a complete report. |