Added: October 14, 2018 | Category: Fetish porn Hello I’m Constance Devil from Czech Republic, horny girl a blonde & with big tits, blue eyes pink nipples! Today I was at the produce market looking for some new melons when I noticed this man me and my large tits. I don’t mind when a man stairs in my tits it makes me very excited, to witness there effortless hands of a scenario still bothers me. Initially I acted to not notice himbut afterwards when he knew I had busted him, he became ashamed and spat off. By then I was excited and desired him to fuck me. I invited him to my place for some fruit salad. There I could quickly that his demeanor was an act. He took total control, it was great,he started kissing me removing my clothes, he started grabbing my tits, squeezing them and teasing my nipples, I was becoming sexy! We sat he started kissing my tits sucking on my nipples, I really could my pussy wetting up! We continued undressing, he slowly began licking my pussy and laid back onto the bed, he moved them in & out and put his fingers inside. He reached up and grabbed my tits, pinching my nipples between his palms. I took his cock and ran my tongue down & up, I began sucking on it, stuffing it into my mouth just as deep as it would go. I felt it hit the back of my neck & over again. Pulling on his dick he slid it right between my melons! I had been lying there watching his penis it seems so large it seems to develop with each stroke. I started licking & sucking his cock as he slipped it. I put on top of himplacing my moist pink pussy above his mouth, then I grabbed his cock and ran my tongue down & down his swollen shaft, licking his balls, I wiped up broad and shoved his cock down my throat, I could his cock throbbing inside of my mouth. Like a little puppy dog could a bowl of milk he was lapping away at my pussy! The way it sounded if he eats my pussy, is really turning me! He laid me behind and started off my pussy, deep deep strokes, that so I could feel him pounding up against my ass thumping his cock still in my pussy, his balls slapping my own pussy. He grabbed my tits and gave her nipples a pinching that was fantastic, this boy had been fucking me good! He put me on all fours and began fucking me doggy stylethat he had his cock so deep within my pussy that he had been hitting elements unknown, hammering my tits. He stuck it right in my mouth and pulled his bloated cock of my pussy I could taste my pussy juice’s on his prick. So he can see my tight ass pumped up & down on his penis, I got along with him. My tits were bouncing out of control he was fucking my pussy and I was enjoying it! I laid back on top of him placing his cock in my mouth out as deep as it goes, I was trying to suck life out of him. It was not long he licked my clit and he lapped away at my wet pussy again, I have never had anyone eat. I got down on my knees, he stood up I was stroking & sucking his cock like there was no tomarrow, that he took a massive load all over my tits, it had been so hot, I put his newly cummed cock back into my mouth so that I could get what was left, it wasn’t much but how sweet it was! |