Added: February 18, 2019 | Category: Bondage Anal Snakes and Colt Cocks part two – Ooooo I'm sense firey tonight. And Ive acquired a date using a tasty horse penis along with a pouch. I begin with the snake and then add it all the way inside of my ass up into my bowels… I will 't help but moan in pleasure as it works its way past every turn. Talk about getting to know your self. I do so a few days to make sure I m ready to take. I like the balls on it and the color that is dual. I fuck it along with my pussy at first to test run it and then can't wait no more to feel it. I fuck it good and watch this cock’s white get swallowed by my bum. I wasn't expecting to carry it low and behold. . I did:-RRB- I love it! |