Added: August 2, 2019 | Category: BDSM I really like challenging my own Master. He puts me back in my own place. This time he did it with his trusty vibrator, a massive dildo along with his thick cock. When he was done , I could barely stand. My mouth and pussy was functioning. He had me out of pounding in my pussy with this sexy cock I adore. Of course he had a handful of my hair, bobbing my head he put up for me. He would then flip me cocks operating my holes just the same. I really do have a huge mouth. Whenever I needed a break, I curse at him, hoping hed quit. However, it only made things worse. He placed my mouth and pussy through circumstances, slapping my head, pulling to the sides of the mouth to thrust on his cock and to swallow more of the dildo. He knows how to leave me worn outside, which doesnt mean hes done with me. |
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