Added: August 7, 2019   |    Movies Views: 726

Category: General porn

Dixie is well-known as the thug that impersonates police officers to take advantage of young women. I intend to turn the tables and provide the raven hair beauty a enormous dose of her own medicine. Pretending for a fanatic, I apologize her upstairs with her hands cuffed behind her backagain. I uncuff the woman and XXXX Dixie to strip away all her clothing exposing her hairy pussy. After my sufferer is stark naked, I cuff her again and attach shackles on her ankles. I grab the filthy wet panties she simply stripped off and push them her mouth putting them tightly using clear tape. Dixie chokes on the gag and I laugh . I pinch her nipples and then taunt her for that which she does to her weak female victims. Is this familiar to you Dixie?? I grab a piece of rope and provide Miss Dixie a tight chest harness and I lick at against her pussy and squirt the juices all over her pretty face. I inform Dixie the torso harness is going to be the ideal handle for me personally. Dixie´s eyes widen and I’m enjoying my pleasure witgh her. I leave her shackled and roped up on the sofa seat wondering what will take place and off I go to find prepared to fuck the hell out of her. I take her clothing and Dixie fights to get free catching a scissor and attempting to cut her gag off, but I immediately return wearing my large black strap-on. I bend hand cuffed Dixie over ass up in the air and shove my cock to her tight little pussy. Helpless Dixie squeals into her gag as I take my time fucking her pussy. Faster and faster I shove on the strap-on deep in her and there’s nothing the bound girl is able to do to halt the attack. Grunt such as a pig girlie!! Dixie starts to grind back and I could tell she is enjoying the XXXX fuck. Are you a dirty girl Dixie… make it home to momma!!! I pound her pussy and just when Dixie is going to cum I slow down to the rythmn. Awwww am I destroying your pleasure by being a cock tease small one. Cum for momma you dirty whore I taunt. Dixie yells as she cums and I remove my cock from her pussy and push it to Dixie&intense;s mouth XXXX her to suck off her own pussy juices. I&severe;m definitely going to retain you as my personal piggy I tell Dixie as I hogtie that the slutty thing on the ground and abandon her furiously struggling anticipating the unkind things I have in store for her.

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