Added: August 30, 2019 | Category: General porn Pretty blonde foot model Roxie Rae fell on tough times and makes the decision to provide robbery a try. She slides into my house looking for the wads of money she knows I’ve stashed somewhere but sadly I was on to her and that I catch her out gagging her until extreme & she . Acute I &;ve always wished to commemorate these beautiful tiny size 5 feet of hers and she&intense;therefore given the opportunity to me. The next thing is bound at a chunk tie and gagged with tape. She sobs without falling off the little glass table to her gag attempting to struggle. I fondle her toes and approach the attractiveness. I remove her vases and lift her into a sitting posture. After her feet are exposed I leaned down and start licking her perfect wrinkled soles. I spend some time sucking on her feet and put her complete foot in my mouth slobbering around them. Roxie tries to plead throughout her gag but I ignore her and continue to worship her feet. I enjoy taking her entire foot into my mouth and her soles are glistening with the wetness from my mouth. I lay down her and notify her I’m filming the whole thing. With the bound blonde on her back she can&intense. I continue and endure to worship them protests throughout the gag. I lick to the tips of her toes from her heel and enjoy adoring her feet. I leave little Roxie bound with her feet in the air awaiting my return… |