Added: May 19, 2020 | Category: Sperm I’ve got a boyfriend named Tomas and he’s been really great but he’s got a one track mind, all he seems to think about is pussy. He’s been non stop seeking to get in my pants however first I will provide you some Blow Job when I have told him after I’ve told him occasions and In case you are a good boy I will allow you to stick it in. We had been on the mattress on our knees fooling around, Tomas had been enjoying my boobs and rubbing my body around, he began kissing me on my neck and then we started kissing every He lifted up my shirt and began playing with my breasts and then he tried to slide his hand down my skirt. I thing he believed about the Blow Job that he was going to have and determined that it was better not to fuck up a good thing. Him leaned back and lifted his shirt up and began licking and licking his stomach and rubbing his cock, I could feel he was getting excited with the rapid growth of his prick. I pulled out his cock and sliped him in my mouth, licking, sucking and stroking him up and down as I rubbed his balls and held. Tomas began yanking in my top and I ended up on my knees and then took off it and then I moved back to suck him off and got down into Doggy. His hardened penis ringed and started suckng and stroking him off at precisely exactly the same time and Tomas caught on his knees and I licked and sucked his cock and balls. Tomas went and sat and I pulled his hard cock at the end of the mattress, he pulled down my panties and began licking and kissing my butt getting me excited. He got on top and pushed him back and then I slid his thick cock back inside and opened my mouth up wide and sucked him off as he togued my snatch. I laid back down and received from on top of Tomas and that he got up me on his knee and then he lifted up my head and I sucked him off hands . He laid down beside me and that I went right back to perform in his cock, stroking, sucking and licking from his nut sack straight up. I teasingly licked the throbbing tip of his dick and I knew he was close to explode so I started jerking on his penis as ard as I could until he take off his load around my tits and onto my face and then I licked and sucked his cum dripping cock and played with my cum covered tits. Read more |