Added: July 2, 2019 | Category: General porn I come to discover Nurse Lauren Philips acting anxious and nervous to depart. I would like to check in my husband and Lauren attempts to dissuade me stating severe & he;s quickly asleep. I go to view and he’s still. Oh no!! He&severe;therefore not breathing!! That bimbo nurse must have overdosed him. I grab the bitch at a choke hold and yank her. The busty redhead drops to the floor out cold. . She awakens bound with her thighs and stripped totally naked. I inform the nurse I know exactly what she did and I plan to t*rture her she endures the way my spouse did. She laughs and gasps and I start to tickle her mercilessly for breath. I tickle the bottoms of her feet and under her wrists moving up my hands and down her rib cage. Lauren is giggling so that I XXXX a enormous red ballgag to her mouth expecting that by restricting her breathing she will suffer more. I tickle her hairy pussy and then her asshole and Lauren may ´t stop laughing. I move my fingers all over her entire body tickling her relentlessly. Lauren looks at me but I don´t even feel pity for being a denying nurse that is bad, I would like to punish her. Poor helpless Lauren squeals like a pig but she can´t escape my hands. She bucks and pants and I feel her heart beating too fast. I hope you have a heart attack overlook Nurse. I tickle her asshole a while and grab a syringe full of this drug to accelerate her demise. I maintain tickling the thing before intense & Lauren . |