Added: March 19, 2020 | Category: Lingerie I met this guy named Ruka Stone while I had been hanging out with a number of my buddies, my grandparents were playing hard for but I only wanted to fuck. Ruka and that I ended up back at my place and he we had a really good time, he also played squeezing and squeezing them and licked and sucked on my big horny nipples. That I needed his cock inside so awful so I pulled is prick and I could feel as you would not believe myself becoming excited and began sucking him off making sure that he was slicked up. His prick slid deep inside my pink hole and I laid down, he fucked me exactly the way I like long, tough and strong. I got in to Doggy and he Ruka mounted up and fucked my pussy from behind ramming his cock into my pussy with long strokes. I lifted my leg opening me before heading back inside, up wide and then put down on my side. Ruka fucked me very good and he gave me a climax in each situation, I licked and sucked on his cock and cum brewing balls before I knew that he was about to burst, shooting his load off over my big tits and rescue a bit for my mouth. I slipped his cock back in my mouth simply to be sure I have every drop and then before licking my hands clean I rubbed against his cum al. |
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