Added: April 1, 2020 | Category: Penetration Hey guy’s what is happening? It is me Cherry Jul, I just relaxed with a quiet afternoon at home. Until I caught up miki was up and out. This morning I discovered her on the telephone, she tried her best to get out of seeing some guy. She informed him when he wanted but she would not be about he would come over. She made to be with another guy. I chose to remain in the home and thought I would read a book, surf the web, or maybe take a look at some pornography. Okay, so you have me, I went directly for the porn, but you understand the type of girl I am. I’m not the type you take home for your mom. I could feel myself getting all hot and bothered and I started rubbing my tits and pussy up and down. I peeked in and heard a noise outside. They discovered my ass lying on the bed although I believe they looked for Miki. 1 man said that he his title was Charlie and his side kicks name was Bady. They came over and got to the bed and started touching and rubbing my body around. Then Charlie started licking my snatch. I started bobbing my head up and down, sucking and licking him off as nasty as I knew how and wrapped my cock sucking lips. Charlie sucked my clit that was happy and tongued my twat from the ground up. With my ass pointed high in the skies picking up right where we left off I got to doggy. I slipped Bady’s cock back and Charlie licked pussy and my butt all over. What a treat! Had I known this was going to occur, I would have been really waiting naked. Charlie came around for some thoughts and removed his tongue from my twat. I stroked, licked, and pulled them off one by one as Bady reached over and began fingering my pink hole. It had been so hot and wet I thought it would take away his finger. We then laid down on the mattress, I put on my side and also Charlie laid down behind me. His long hard cock slid into my deep, wet, pussy and I sucked the penis who’d laid down in front of me of Bady. Charlie slid his prick in and out of my puss with long hard strokes since I slurped and slobbered throughout Bady’s penis , bobbing my head up and down over and over again. I filled Charlie thing that was sweet in my mouth and got back on all fours, this had been covered from top from my cunt. I then licked and sucked on Charlie’s tough long cock from the bottom up as Bady began fucking me with hard strokes and had shoved his cock in my hot wet grab. Sorry for of the detail, I love writing about that! It brings me back into the moment.Okay, therefore Bady slid his cock out of my hole and I laid down on my back with my legs spread open wide. His thick cock right slid in my cunt again as I wrapped my lips back across Bady’s penis for one more suck. His prick slid out of my pink hole that was horny long enough to snatch off my panties, then he pushed his cock back. I pulled on Bady’s hard slick cock out of my mouth, that laid down and that I jumped at top. He slipped his slick hardened shaft in my small P- hole and began fucking me with every thing he had, sliding his prick in and out hard and strong because I got Charlie’s cock all slicked up and ready for re-entry. Charlie reached over and over my buttocks then stuffed his penis in behind, stretching my asshole open as Bady continued sliding his cock in and out. They slid their cocks in and out of my holes Charlie stuck it it and pulled on his cock my mouth. Love that taste! I bobbed my head up and down on his penis back into my ass he went. They pulled their hot cocks from my ass and cunt . Charlie laid down and that I immediately got to top. He began fucking me like a maniac and shoved his thick cock back into my butt that was tight again. I slipped Bady’s prick into my mouth and sucked hard since Charlie pounded out at my tight little asshole. I could feel my asshole back again, and being stretched however, wider with each stroke as he pushed his cock . He pulled his big cock from my buttocks that was resized. I really could feel the cool air hurry up indoors and I reached down and started massaging my puss because he pushed his cock back into my ass for one more venture. Bady came and stuffed his cock back in my puss, fucking my cunt since Charlie slid his cock in and out of the ass. Bady’s cock was squeezed by me out of my cunt. It was sweet and warm just. Charlie laid me behind and fucked my ass hard he pulled away and Bady got behind me and had his own way. I got to Doggy and Charlie slipped back his cock going for broke as I licked and pumped Bady’s long hard shaft up and down. Charlie pulled on his cock and I pulled off him, licking sucking from his nuts all the way up. While I jerked to the other, I jerked and slurped back and forth, sucking one . My mouth opened Charlie broken his creamy load in all over my face and my mouth and Bady was right behind with a snapshot with his own. I fingered her cum out of across my lips and mouth area. Well a lot for a relaxing afternoon at home! |