Added: April 8, 2020 | Category: Solo Hey boys I’d like to play a game that is distinctive with you now, however you need to come here closer to me. While I shoot my big rubber cock out, first take out that cock for me personally. Now make your cock wet, and Ill do the same stroke it all of the way today! Do you feel it getting more difficult, I really do! Keep that cock for me, let me help you, Im going to take my tits out imagine massaging on that cock of yours between my tits! Rub your cock between my fat titties, thats it. Now, put just the tip of your cock in my mouth, Ill suck on it while I stroke your cock and then rub on your balls! Now you can titty fuck me! Wait patiently cum yet, take your hands off your prick! Now with no hands Im going to suck your cock head again. On while I stroke your penis now its time to get many ball sucking. Then slap my face with that cock of yours. Ok now for the orgasm, its time to get a cum count down. Start to stroke your cock slowly and get quicker as I count down 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Ok, I want you to cum all on that computer screen, cum all over the area, 1! Watch as I lick up your cum and swallow it! Yea that was lots of fun! Thank you for playing with me boys! |