Added: July 20, 2020 | Category: Humiliation Although I was scared by him, I needed to serve my new Master. He guaranteed hed allow me the best sex slave using his successful training. I was left by him for what he had in my mind: my wrists and neck collared to a pole at the ideal place, my ass peeled outside for him easy accessibility. I couldnt pull out. He wanted to check how well I can actually throat a horse penis . He wasted no time, shoving his dick all the way down my neck into his balls. Was me gagging onto his thick shaft. He anticipates tons of spit. I did. I didnt make it simple for him. I simply needed him to keep trying. I loved feeling his dick expanding my throat. He should have been impressed because he blindfolded me frees up me and fucked me from behind. I liked his cock in my pussy better, especially when he used me to rally on his penis and then grabbed my head. He made me tell him how much I really loved it. He made me beg for disgrace. I was really being fair. I desired more. That made each orgasm more extreme. After he was finished, I was left trembling. But my pussy quivered for longer. |