Added: August 8, 2018 | Category: Fetish porn I Am Kathia, a young and Hot babe from Prague. As you can see I’ve got a killer body with fine tits and a tight round ass. I have a enormous appetite for sex and I just can’t seem to get sufficient. Believe it or not sometimes it is an issue since there’s simply not enough great penis around. I went to the physician to get checked out and then he knew exactly what I wanted. He had me get up on his examining table open my shirt and he then asked me to just take several deep breaths. I’m confident he could hear how excited I was and that was all it required. He reached down and spread my legs wide open and started rubbing my pussy up and down. He then slipped his hands inside and fingered my pussy hard and powerful. I wanted him to fuck me so bad that I could barely wait, but he was the Doctor and nicely accountable so that I was the perfect patient and followed his lead. He pulled off his smock and disclosed himself and that I couldn’t believe my eyes. His cock was much bigger than I would have ever imagined and he understood it by the look on my head. I got down in the table, wrapped my lips around his big black cock, and started sucking him off just as nasty as I knew how acquiring him slicked up and ready to get inside. He then stuffed his over sized cock inside my pussy and fucked me as though I had never been fucked before. He made sure I got off before continuing to anything else. He pulled his penis from my pussy and went right for my ass. He told me that my ass was still a virgin but like they say”the Doctor knows best!” He started fucking my ass from behind and he then laid down and I got on top. He drove his prick deep inside because I snapped my happy ass down and up. I caught up and he set behind me giving it to my pussy even harder than before. When he pulled out he shot a gigantic load of cum all over my pussy and then I squeezed his penis for the final dose equally as happy as I might be. This is 1 Doctor’s trip which I won’t ever forget and I can not wait to cum back for more! |