Added: August 12, 2018 | Category: Fetish porn Hey there boys, why it’s me Suzie D. I’m back, did you miss me? Since the last time you noticed me that I ’ve been getting to understand Prague and Prague’s been really getting to know . These Czech. Guy’s really like us Slovak girls better, its ok everyone knows it and moreover that there’s lots of tourist, much more than just at which I’m from so needless to say I’ve been getting my fill of International Cock. I have to let you know, you American Boys understand how to throw down. I haven’t seen a lot of Monique even believed I know that she ’s been around, I’ve been hearing her second door becoming Dicked up , which makes me hot and sexy. George took off I’m sure he’s with some other Chick but that I ’m not mad, he had been kind enough to hook him up with a friend of his named Tomas, therefore it’s good.When Tomas got there I took him straight back to my room, we began touching and rubbing each others bodies. Tomas began squeezing and massaging my tits, he sat in my bed and started rubbing my legs and setting up my bum. He lifted up my skirt checking out my spherical buttocks ass, rubbing and squeezing it hard. He licked and kissed my buttocks then ran his hands down my thighs to my feet, it felt really good I could feel myself getting excited. I sat in my bed Tomas spread my legs and started rubbing them down, he hit up and played with my tits until taking my leg and licking his way back into my foot. He started licking and kissing my foot and toes, I took off my top and began playing with my tits, rubbing them then reached down and began rubbing my pussy, it had been hot and juicing up. Tomas was licking and licking up my leg and down, he slipped my shoe off and rubbed my foot then stated licking and sucking my feet. He put my foot in his lap and I started rubbing his dick, it had been big and growing, fast. Tomas pulled out his cock and I wrapped his bare feet round stroking it up and down over and over again. I got on all fours and wrapped her hands tightly around his hard thick cock jerking him up and down and licking him from top to bottom I caught on laid together with him moan and slurping on his big cock as he tickles my puss and flicked his tongue along my clit. I got up and slipped off my wet panties, Tomas spread my ass wide and spit right inside rubbing it around my cunt he began licking my ass and pussy in the top to bottom then lifted up my foot and started licking it. I rolled over wrapped back my feet across his cock and began stroking it up and down, he held my feet tight and started pumping his cock, fucking my feet like I’ve never needed them fucked before. I received into Doggy with my bum pointed in the skies and Tomas mounted upward from the back slipping his hard thick cock into my wet puss then started fucking me with every thing he’d because I squeezed and rubbed my ass. Tomas slid his cock from my moist twat and put down behind me, ” he grabbed my leg and lifted it then slid his long cock back into my pussy, fucking me like he never ceased. I reduced my leg and began rubbing my legs and toes as Tomas pounded away at my cunt with long, very hard, strong strokes. Tomas got on his knees and held my feet around his slicked up cock. I had my knees together tight with my legs slightly to the side appearing quit proper because he fucked my toes, he’s such a naughty boy, so I like him a great deal. Tomas came on and removed my top then he put down and that I quickly caught on top, wrapping my feet back around his thick cock and started stroking him off. Tomas began massaging my cunt up and down, it had been sloppy wet I grabbed his cock giving it a few strokes then slid it in up in my horny wet twat, he started pumping his prick in and out of my cunt strong and fast, he had been hitting it hard. I pulled his penis out of my puss and stroked him off with my toes then slid him back in my wet pink hole and began bouncing up and down. I reached down and started rubbing my nasty cunt, slapping it as he rammed his thickness deeper into my moist hole. I laid down and Tomas got onto his knees he slid his glossy throbbing cock back into my cunt then he took my feet and began kissing and sucking on my feet, it felt like he was sucking the pussy juice right out of my cunt. He pushed his cock back into my puss and began fucking my difficult, putting his back into it, such as that Ice Cube song. I got back on all fours then lifted one leg including a pissing male dog Tomas pushed his long cock back into my moist hole, then fucking me three stage Doggy Style. He slid his glossy throbbing cock out of my juicy twat I laid down on my belly and increased my toes. Tomas grabbed my feet and started rubbing them back and forth onto his cock, fucking my toes even nastier than earlier he then took his penis and jerked himself off until he shot his creamy load all over my sexy feet. He rubbed his cock in his cum smearing all over my toes out of my heels on my feet. I must confess I had been feeling a bit left out so I rubbed my feet then licked my fingers clean. |
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