Added: August 16, 2018 | Category: Piercing & Tatto Hey Guys, It is me Prada did you miss me while I was away, well I have been busy like you would not believe studying for my finals in the school. The college I attend has mostly boys and you understand how I’m about cock therefore of course it has been very difficult for me since all I can think of all day is gender. I walked in and sat at the desk and began to doing my assignments from school, I began touching my body slipping my hand within my shirt and pulled my tits out. I played with my tits and then I raised up my skirt and started rubbing my thighs around and I picked up my big pencil and gave it a suck prior to rubbing arcoss my perky nipples.I awakened and continued rubbing my tits and shifting my butt from side to side and then I lifted my skirt up and began rubbing my pen in my pussy. I turned and teasingly ran my huge purse down the crack of my buttocks and then I took off my skirt and top and then I slipped my hand inside my panties and rubbed my eager pussy all over. I sat along with the huge glass dining table and gave my pencil a suck and I cut on my pussy and clit, hammering myself like crazy and making my pussy hot and wet. I turned and got up on my legs and pulled my panties to the side and I tweaked my huge pen in my pussy and played with my tits and nipples. My pussy was getting very hot and I knew I had been all wet inside. I sat down to the table and gave my pen another sucking and then I rubbed it all over my body and then I leaned back and spread my legs open wide and rubbed my pussy up and down. I stood back up and started playing with my tits rubbing them and teasing along with my nipples and I then pulled down my panties and began rubbing my tender shaved pussy. I squated down with my legs spread wide and slid my finger in my puss and then I began slidding it in and out since I teasingly rubbed my swelling clit. I sat back on top of the desk and leaned back and then I back and slid my huge pen within my pussy, fucking myself and sucking on my pen back and forth. I put my feet up on the table and hope my buttocks upward slidding my pencil deep inside and then got on my feet and squated down and went back to fucking my pussy before massaging my pussy with my hand. My pussy was wet and hot and felt really good to be touched, who would ever thought doing my assignments would ever be so much pleasure. I got to Doggy and also gave my pencil a suck and I slid it right back inside, fucking my pussy and rubbing my clit, making me ready. I laid back down to the desk and lifted my leg up high and fucked my pussy hard and quick and then I slid my finger in my bum hole playing both my holes at once. I pulled my finger out of my ass hole and began rubbing my clit as fast as I could because I continued fucking my pussy with hard deep strokes, which makes me even more wet. I held on as long as I could squeezing my pussy tight but soon I dropped all controll having myself a huge orgasm. I awakened slidding my pen from my hot moist pussy and stuck it right in my mouth, my pussy was so wet I only needed to taste what I had done. |