Added: August 4, 2018 | Category: Fetish porn The amount of white men fucked in the mind that see me for aid is astounding. My most recent individual came to me as his spouse is addicted to big black dick which leaves his white dick without attention. I didn’t think dicks obtained that little but once he showed me that his midget manhood I couldn’t hold back my laughing. Actually, I nearly lost it once I had him placed on the male chastity belt along with the idiot went along with it. This was time for me to take my skills to another level even as unorthodox as it appeared. My patient obtained a front row seat to see precisely what his wife was doing in hopes that his understanding can salvage the marriage. I brought in Jason Brown (along with his 12 inches). First, I got in my knees, relaxed my throat, and shot him far and deep as my gag reflexes will allow. So far, so good as far as my individual was concerned. The real test would be to observe how he would react once he noticed my white fuckbox becoming so like his wife’s is but behind closed doors. Jason then bent me over and slammed his huge black dick deep in my uterus as my screams drowned his moans. Our session would not be complete until the patient could come to conditions that just black dick could meet white women. How would he prove that? I made him wash up all of the black goo from my bum that Jason employed as a target. Can I help my patient? Who cares? So long as I received my fill of black dick then all was well. The icing on the cake was that I left my patient pay for the whole hour like I got destroyed. . . .read more |