Carrie (Kayla Paige) finds herself in a precarious position when Mr. Big (Evan Stone) receives a job offer in Los Angeles. Carrie is devastated by the news until Big springs the idea on her to move out to the Left Coast with him. Torn between her desire to marry Big and to stay loyal to her best friends, Samantha (Brittany Andrews), Miranda (Zoe Voss) Charlotte (Bobbi Starr), Carrie decides to follow her heart and leave behind her girls for the man of her dreams. Or does she? The girls are not about to let a little problem like falling in love get in the way of their dependency on Carries advice, both inside and outside the bedroom, so they hatch a plan to show Carrie just how much they need her. Of course, the girls are up to their necks in their own sexual issues, whether its Mirandas itch to bring a girl into a 3-way tryst, Charlottes new found nymphomania, or Samanthas plundering of her next door neighbor. With plenty of surprises and sexual adventure, the time has come for these sexy, four best friends to bond in a way that they never have before.
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